Hi All, Sorry being M.I.A. for so long.

I had to take some time away from the blog now that

edits on my debut middle grade novel are in full swing,

slow-going still, but swinging. Plus, a blackout in my area

over a week ago, chores piling up, and tight on money

also contributed, but I’ll try to update at least once a

week until things improve on the homefront.

Today, I’m taking a break from my usual posts to

discuss something else that’s been weighing heavy on my

heart lately-

There’s been a lot of talk among parental circles, educators, and all in between about why are kids and teens either take life too seriously or not enough, more often it’s not enough.

Lots of parents seem to be of the view that kids today are lazy, screen obsessed entitlement freaks who don’t want tot work hard for their futures. 

While there’s truth to that, we also overlook another truth, kids are being pressured to grow up faster at all fronts, and yet we complain when they want to be grown ups fast. Well, we’re creating our own problem on this specific point.

As a both a writer of children’s books, and a education-challenged under 30 “Deadbeat” I know from my own experience that we overlook a lot of issues when we talk about education. 

Instead of ranting, I’ll let picture do my talking for me, but fear not, I’ll have MORE words to say on this topic later.


NOTE: I’m in no way parent-bashing here,

I‘m not a parent nor teacher, and for those of

you in education from either the parent and/or

teacher POV who are doing right by our

nation’s youth, understand I say this because

I wish there were more of you.


More and More Parents see their kids like this- 



Instead of this-   01_Tristeza

What “Test” is worth feeling like this?


When did school become “God?”


Does “Sucking at Math” make me less worthy?


Is this future migraine/ulcer GOOD for me?

What parents WANT to see-


What they NEED to see –  Crying_child_with_blonde_hair

“Mommy, you work a second job to make money, what am I getting out of pre-k and first grade becoming my “second job?” that I don’t get paid for.”




“Dad, I may not have to walk 100 miles to get to school like you did in the “Once upon a time Olden days” , but that doesn’t mean it’s any easier for me, either.”


They’ll NEVER get here- University_Park_MMB_I7_Graduation   312px-MplsMTMstatue   USMC-12062   The_Turtles Group_951 81st_TW_photo Winter-wedding-20120203-001 AT_CALGGETT_MEMORIAL_HOSPITAL-WALTER_SOLON_MOYER_III,_THE_FIRST_BABY_OF_THE_NEW_YEAR,_AND_HIS_MOTHER_-_NARA_-_552638     Father_with_his_first_baby_at_first_sight If they Burnout Here-   School's_OutAdults of the World, I URGE you to hear this. We CAN’T let this-  










Destroy THIS-      












Kids, Parents, Educators, and all those in-between-

What do you think? Please have the courage and heart

to share in the comments below.