Moving On, Moving Forward


 Kitawaki_Quo_vadis (2)

-APRIL 28TH, 2013-

Moving On, Moving Forward

Hi All,


After three years on Blogger, I’ve made the leap to self-hosted WordPress-

(NOTE: You can’t use “www” before my url right now as it won’t work, I don’t know why, but I’ll fix that as soon as I can…)

Thanks to those of you who supported me behind the scenes during my blogging hiatus, and while it will some time before I have regular blog updates again, I am working on new posts and other content that I’ll do my best to be sure it was worth the wait.

Despite all the recent outcry on other blogs saying “Blogging’s irrelevant to writers in 2013” I don’t share that view.

I blog because I saw, and still see, a GAP in my niche being underrepresented, and outright misunderstood. Despite stumbles on my part in the past, I will continue to rep that niche to the best of my ability.

I’ve also decided that T.A.A. going forward will be less about my writing from the career side, and more of a reader-friendly environment.

Unlike many writers I admire/respect, I no longer feel comfortable mixing art and commerce on T.A.A. I will eventually have my author site up to handle that side of things.

I’ll have it launched as soon as I can. From now on, I’m just going to share the variety of this misunderstood genre, and hope we can finally end the stigma, or at least put it in its place.

After all, even sexy vamps, YA books in general, and death-happy dystopian tales used to be the “Kiss of Death” as far as NY publishing was concerned, and now readers can’t enough, even if agents and editors feel the exact opposite, LOL.

For those of you born AFTER the year 1987-2000, trust me, the hot genres and authors today had their axes to grind when paranormal fiction in general, even without XXX romance, or YA fiction, EVEN romance free, was as anti-receptive that you can can without being ethically shunned.

I’ll still share some writerly stuff in my “Letters From the Editor” feature, and when my publications increase, you will hear about them on T.A.A., but I’m going to bring T.A.A. back to what I really meant it to be-


A blog about spreading the message that the variety of animal fantasy BEYOND preschool land is no less REAL and VALID than the countless flavors of paranormal romance and dystopian fiction that (At the time of I began writing this e-post, April 27th, 2013) is now.


My blogger home for T.A.A. will remain up until the reestablishment on my WordPress site, as some features and posts are up yet. Those who have this blog bookmarked, please change to the new url above. Thanks for your patience.


Until next time, on my new place of residence on the web-



-Your sometimes grumpy, still hopeful, and always persistant, Literary Rat


Summer 2011 – Changes are coming, but slower than I’d like

Readers of T.A.A.

Sorry I’ve been goner so long, I really intended for have May 2011 be the start of my comeback after weeks of frustrating, and even fatal meltdowns, I won’t bore you with the rant-latent stages of grief I’ve gone through, but I want to touch some things I I’ve learned from my most recent crisis.

Some of my long hiatus can be explained with two simple words, fear, and failure. But I don’t meant the normal “failure” all writers deal with,many writers before us had to fail a lot before success came for them, it’s no different for me and those writer’s I’m glad to know, if only over the web for now, and me in turn, and often being reminded you’re not alone in feeling like you’re craft’s just at a standstill for whatever reason, and if ANYTHING positive came out of a p

Please stop by T.A.A. this weekend, when I’ll re-launch my Prose and Poetry Slam contest, which was delayed to do my being too quick to act before some things were ready. Please check the Contests Page for the official rules, you’ll have now (June 21st!) until September 10th, 2011,  to sbumit your stories and poems. For those who did submit earlier entries prior to the contest being delayed to better prepare things on my end, rest assured you’re submissions will still count and you needen’t send them again. If you’re not sure if your  entry was received, please e-mail at the address below-